

Ensuring consistent quality and food safety are the top priorities in our business. The products we supply are manufactured at the enterprise that has an international certificate of quality and food safety management ISO 22000:2018. The standard is based on a systematic approach that relates to all parameters of food safety and quality at each stage of the technological process.

Any deviations are timely detected and immediately eliminated.

Quality guarantee

Our products are manufactured in accordance with the highest standards to ensure the quality and safety of food. The verification process is governed by the following procedures:

  • Testing of raw materials
  • Temperature control in production areas and during transportation
  • Storage temperature of semi-finished products at all stages of production
  • Storage temperature of finished products
  • The process of heat treatment and rapid cooling
  • Weight of the final product
  • Appearance of the final product

In order to ensure consistent quality and food safety, testing and analysis are conducted outside the manufacturing process and are including:

  • product tastings and their documentation at the enterprise
  • laboratory quality control of washing and disinfection of equipment and inventory (total bacteria count, Salmonella, Listeria)
  • laboratory testing of finished products

Full traceability from top to bottom is possible using the product name and batch code or expiration date. Traceability tests are conducted regularly as part of an internal audit.

Supplier selection

To guarantee the quality of our products, we strive to work with reliable suppliers, purchasing the best ingredients and using the services of trusted partners.

Review of existing suppliers

The management team, in collaboration with the quality and procurement department, annually evaluates existing suppliers. The fulfillment of contractual obligations, as well as the quality of the supplied raw materials in accordance with applicable standards are analyzed.

Quality control

Eesti Pelmeenitööstus OÜ has its own 3-person quality control team. This team is in contact with the Estonian state accredited laboratory and provides our customers with fast and transparent feedback. For more information about the quality control team, our collaboration with the laboratory, or other issues related to food quality standards, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are always ready to answer any questions related to food quality standards and our cooperation with an accredited laboratory in Estonia.


Contact us for more information.

We will be glad to answer all your questions.